In the book of Zulfat Hakim «Tugan Batyr and the Saber of Truth», the hero is waiting for exciting adventures. In search of a miracle saber, Tugan finds himself far from his homeland, where he honorably overcomes trials due to his intelligence, endurance, loyal friends and kind heart.
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In the fairy tale, the brave Tugan Batyr saves Ayla and goes to Anatolia for the Moon Flower. The story celebrates greatness of spirit, kindness and sacrifice, showing that a true hero has got a noble heart.
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Zulfat Khakim presented his new children's book about Tugan Batyr
On 26 September, the National Library of Tatarstan hosted a presentation of the book about the national hero "Tugan Batyr and the Saber of Truth".

"Tugan Batyr and the Saber of Truth" is the second story by Zulfat Khakim, People's Writer of the Republic of Tatarstan, about the "native hero" - Tugan Batyr, whose name has already become known to the whole world. According to the plot, the hero goes in search of a miracle saber and finds himself far from his homeland, where temptations and trials await him.

The guests of the meeting watched the dance "Tugan Batyr" in bright costumes, listened to the project's anthem and got acquainted with the teaser of the multi-part animated film "Tugan Batyr", the release of which is planned on federal TV channels in 2024.

The guests of honor gave a speech to the guests, including Kamil hazrat Samigullin, mufti, chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Republic of Tatarstan. He emphasized the importance of the project and revealed the idea behind its creation:

"The very idea of ​​creating the “Tugan Batyr” project arose from the need for national heroes. For example, if we talk about a katana, a Cossack saber, an Indian shamshir - we know what it is and what it looks like thanks to films, books and cartoons. But who knows what a Tatar saber or a Tatar batyr is? These images are blurred, they are no longer among our people, but such images are important."

Radik Abdrakhmanov, founder of the Tugan Batyr project and co-founder of the “Tugan Avylym” national complex in Kazan, summed up the results of the project for 2 years of its existence and spoke about development plans:

“The project is already 2 years old, our hero is developing so actively and attracts many active people, which cannot but rejoice. We are making our project international, publishing publications in several languages: Kazakh, Turkish, Arabic, English, Russian, Tatar and Chinese. We have also started working on the third fairy tale and have already discussed some ideas with Zulfat Hakim. I would like to thank the entire team working on the project, these are kind, positive and responsive people who love and believe in the project.”

Ildar Nizameyev, founder of Ilar.Pro, author of IT technologies for the Tugan Batyr project, spoke about the technological features of the project:

“In a year, we have created a digital ecosystem around the national hero. At the “Islamic World” forum, which was recently held in Kazan, we presented a phygital book. - This is an application in which you can point your smartphone at the cover, it will come to life and reveal a brief summary of the book. We do everything to interest children, so that they want to open the book and read the story. We also plan to create a mobile game about Tugan Batyr.”

Each participant received a sticker pack with characters drawn by a talented artist of the Tugan Batyr project as a gift. Creative and cultural figures of the region, bloggers, artists and musicians were invited as guests.
Tugan Batyr is a brand that has reached the international level and unites many projects and areas: printed publications, an animated series, sports tournaments and an amusement park. The mission of the project is to attract the interest of children and young people in their native history and culture, spiritual values ​​and national traditions, as well as to strengthen friendship and mutual respect between peoples.

The book was published with the support of the Presidential Foundation for Cultural Initiatives.