In the book of Zulfat Hakim «Tugan Batyr and the Saber of Truth», the hero is waiting for exciting adventures. In search of a miracle saber, Tugan finds himself far from his homeland, where he honorably overcomes trials due to his intelligence, endurance, loyal friends and kind heart.
Book «Tugan Batyr and the Saber of Truth»
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In the fairy tale, the brave Tugan Batyr saves Ayla and goes to Anatolia for the Moon Flower. The story celebrates greatness of spirit, kindness and sacrifice, showing that a true hero has got a noble heart.
Book «Tugan Batyr and the Moon Flower»
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Chak-chak with natural honey, oriental sweetness 300 gr.
Chak-chak with natural honey, oriental sweetness 45 gr.

About project

Tugan Batyr is the international brand developed with love of history and culture, which seeks to transfer these values to children and youngsters. Calling to fascinating legends and adventures, Tugan Batyr helps the younger generation to spiritually enrich themselves and preserve traditions of their ancestors.

Project goal

Our Mission

To gather Tatars around the image of Tugan Batyr, combining traditions and modernity.
Link traditions and modernity.
To introduce national traditions into youth culture through music, fashion, festivals, cyber- and ethnosport.
Promotion of Tugan Batyr’s ideas through branded souvenirs and accessories.
Promote intergenerational cooperation for revival of the national spirit.
Legend of Tugan Batyr inspires youngsters to adequately represent their people.
Keep light of fairy tales that taught you good and evil, take care of the native language in which you heard these stories for the first time. Let spark of childhood illuminate your path, and your favorite heroes of fairy tales will always be there, making life brighter!
Abdrakhmanov Radik Mukharlyamovich
The founder of the Tugan Batyr project

Tugan Batyr's universe



1 куплет:
– Кем ул анда елмаеп килә?
– Ул анда безнең батыр килә!
– Ниләр булдыра сезнең батыр?
– Җитмеш төрле һөнәре бардыр!

Син зур тауларга тиң,
Киң суларга тиң,
Туган батыр син!
Күр, кулларыңда – ут,
Йөрәгеңдә – кот,
Син Туган батыр!

2 куплет:
– Юлымда яман җилләр исә,
– Тезләнә күрмә, тор син, батыр!
– Кара көчләр ирегем кисә,
– Бирешә күрмә, тор син, батыр!
– Сусаудан йөрәгем ут яна,
– Саф чишмә сиңа дәва бирер!
– Егәрлегем җитми башласа,
– Халкың сиңа ярдәмгә килер!

Кара миңа, сиңа дәшәм,
Кулларыңны төшергәнсең,
Үз-үзеңнән көләсең,
Шикләнәсең, cөртенәсең,
Чит-ятларның сүзләрен колагыңа эләсең.
Син батырда күпме көч бар!
Сиңа бит бөтен дөнья да тар!
Сине кояш көтә, җаныңа ут төртә,
Байрагыңны күтәр, бар бар бар!
Author of the idea and project Radik Abdrakhmanov
Electric guitar
Saida Mukhametzyanova
Azat Gilmutdinov
Vocals, kurai
Yuri Fedorov
Rasim Fasikhov
Vocals, rap
Ilgiz Shaykhraziev
Elmira Kalimullina, Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan
Vocal recording
Tatyana Bragina
Rasim Fasikhov
Yuri Fedorov
Author of the text
Guzel Zakirova
Composition, arrangement, production
Valery Korotkov
Artistic Director
Zulfiya Nigmedzyanova-Avzalova
Project Manager
Aisylu Zamaleeva


The project «Tugan Batyr» and the Bala Theater Studio present a performance based on the story by Zulfat Hakim «Tugan Batyr. Birth of legend».
It is said that a brave man is known in battle. Tugan Batyr defeated forest robbers, and even among Al Basti and jinn he has no equal in the world. His strengths are his mind, faith in good and love of Motherland, which help him overcome any hardships.
Contact number:
+7 (904) 669-12-12 Farida
The national complex «Tugan Avylym» has launched a new project - an interactive audio promenade «Tugan Batyr: Feather of Happiness»!


To see our athletes as champions and inspire every boy to dream of becoming like Tugan Batyr.
In Tatarstan, grappling is actively developing under leadership of Radik Abdrakhmanov, President of the Grappling Federation of the Republic of Tatarstan and co-founder of the Tugan Avylym National Complex.
It is distinguished by desire to end the battle before time, minimal restrictions and a ban on strikes.
Grappling is an important component of MMA, uniting techniques of all wrestling disciplines (sambo, judo, jiu-jitsu, freestyle wrestling) and requiring athlete’s skills in painful and suffocating techniques.
Under auspices of Tugan Batyr, our team holds tournaments for children and adults, supporting Tatarstan sports and striving to raise strong, motivated men.
Welcome to our team and exercises!
Wrestling Festival 02.06.2024
Closed screening of the animated series «Tugan Batyr»
Fashion Iftar-2024
Wrestling Festival for the Prizes of «Tugan Batyr»


Presentation of the second part of the book «Tugan Batyr»
II All-Russian Archery Tournament for Prizes
Kazan Summit-2023
About the project
Presentation at the National Library
Grappling at the Cambridge School of Bala City
Wrestling Festival