The long-awaited presentation took place, where the amazing Gulchachak collection was presented. Radik Mukharlyamovich, the founder of the "Tugan Batyr" project, spoke about how the idea for the project came about. A live performance by the author, People's Writer of the Republic of Tatarstan Zulfat Khakim, who shared his inspiration and the world of heroes. This book is an inspiring story about nobility, friendship and fortitude. The plot centers on the brave Tugan Batyr and a mysterious girl named Ayla, who set off on a dangerous adventure to save the Moon Flower - a magical artifact with incredible powers.
Among the honored guests were the consuls of Turkey and Kazakhstan, as well as the representative of Tatarstan in Germany, the first deputy chairman of the National Council of the World Congress of Tatars - head of the Executive Committee of the World Congress of Tatars Danis Shakirov.
The presentation also featured the "From Gulchachak" collection. The items in this collection are a concentration of the cultural values of the Tatar people, imbued with history, the spirit of symbolism and continued in their modern interpretation and embodiment by the talented clothing designer Luiza Skipina. The collection is made of natural fabrics, using environmentally friendly materials. There were many interesting moments and lively discussions at the event. We were especially pleased that there were young readers among us who asked fascinating questions. We awarded the most inquisitive of them with books as a gift.