A project about the Tatar superhero Tugan Batyr was presented at the XIV International Economic Forum "Russia - Islamic World: KazanForum". Participants of the press conference "New National Heroes as a Form of Promoting Tatarstan Culture in the International Arena" were Radik Abdrakhmanov, founder of the "Tugan Batyr" project, co-founder of the national tourism complex "Tugan Avylym", member of the Public Council under the Investment Development Agency of the Republic of Tatarstan; Zulfat Khakim, People's Writer of the Republic of Tatarstan, author of the book "Tugan Batyr" and others.
Radik Abdrakhmanov emphasized that in a global sense, the "Tugan Batyr" project is about love: for the native land, native language, Motherland, beloved girl and traditional values. The project was conceived and is being implemented as an international one, in different languages. The basis is a fairy tale-legend about a Tatar folklore hero. This year, a lot of work has been done to implement the project. Writer Zulfat Khakim has almost completed the preparation of the second fairy tale, which, according to Abdrakhmanov, turned out to be even more exciting than the first. Work continues on the preparation of illustrations, animation, a computer game, and souvenirs.
In 2024, it is planned to launch an animated series about Tugan Batyr. The first season is almost ready.
In addition, various tournaments in wrestling, tennis, and archery are held under the sign of "Tugan Batyr". "Tugan Batyr is strong in everything. He is a craftsman, a hunter, and a champion in e-sports," Abdrakhmanov emphasized.
The author of the second part of the tale, which was called "Tugan Batyr and the Sabre of Truth", Zulfat Khakim, spoke in more detail. The writer emphasized that a fairy tale is always present in life, despite the morals and values that change at different stages of a person's life. "Each generation adds its own plot to the great fairy tale called life, and everything in this fairy tale depends on us - what events will happen, whether there will be intermissions, what the ending will be - happy or tragic," the writer noted. No matter what a person is like and what time he lives in, the values remain the same: the most valuable are always the good feelings and impulses of a person, and parents at all times teach their children the concepts of good and evil.
The project about the first Tatar superhero is a joint initiative of Radik Abdrakhmanov and the Mufti of the Republic of Tatarstan Kamil hazrat Samigullin. In August last year, a presentation of the book "Legends of Tugan Batyr" written by Zulfat Khakim took place in Kazan. The main character of the book is Tugan Batyr, a new national hero, a Tatar "superman" who has united all the legends, myths and heritage of the Tatar people. For the artistic embodiment of the Tatar batyr, consultants on history, folklore, literature, long-bladed weapons and branding were involved. The project is designed to popularize Tatar culture and traditions and bring universal human values to the younger generation.