In the book of Zulfat Hakim «Tugan Batyr and the Saber of Truth», the hero is waiting for exciting adventures. In search of a miracle saber, Tugan finds himself far from his homeland, where he honorably overcomes trials due to his intelligence, endurance, loyal friends and kind heart.
Book «Tugan Batyr and the Saber of Truth»
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In the fairy tale, the brave Tugan Batyr saves Ayla and goes to Anatolia for the Moon Flower. The story celebrates greatness of spirit, kindness and sacrifice, showing that a true hero has got a noble heart.
Book «Tugan Batyr and the Moon Flower»
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Chak-chak with natural honey, oriental sweetness 300 gr.
Chak-chak with natural honey, oriental sweetness 45 gr.
Children's Day in Tugan Avylym
The Tugan Avylym National Complex brought together children and their parents for a celebration of childhood and smiles. Master classes, games, and quizzes were organized for children in different locations of the complex.

The event opened with a reading of the Koran, then continued with honoring large families. Gifts from the Tugan Batyr brand were prepared for them. The holiday ended with a performance and a performance by headliner Radik Yarullin.

We would also like to express special gratitude to our regular partner, the interregional public patriotic movement “Vechno Zhivye”.